Alfa Aktiv

Immune Booster & Antioxidant Supplement


Most frequent questions and answers

Scientists behind ALFA developed a proprietary process of activating vitamins and minerals contained in chokeberry fruit, black currant, honey, and other ingredients for optimal absorption to support healthy immune system.

The basis of “ALFA АКТIV” is а mixture of highly ionized water with а strong negative oxidation-reduction potential (redox potential), blасk chokeberry juice, red currant juice and honey.

ln addition, laboratory studies have shown that the juice also contains the highly efficient “amber salt”/succinic acid (9, 8 mg/20 ml Juice) that protects the body of harmful environmental influences.

Recommended dosage for adults is 1-2 bottles daily. Children over the age of 3 can consume half a bottle daily.

It’s best consumed 20-30 minutes before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal. Shake the bottle well and then drink immediately after opening.  To maximize absorption, drink a glass of water a minute later.